Virtual Machine (Compute)

Virtual Machines (VM) provide the basic IT Infrastructure that can be used by the Government Organizations to run their variety of workloads such as compute-intensive workload, memory-intensive workload, general-purpose workload, etc. All Virtual Machine packages, listed below, are Managed Virtual Machines. CSPs are required to list their prices on GeM platform keeping this in mind.  These VMs will be provided with following mandatory inclusions without any extra cost. This service can be used by the Government Organizations to access the virtualized servers offered by the Cloud Service Providers.

Sr. No.

Category Inclusion1, 2


Minimum frequency of 2.0 GHz
2 Storage type

50 GB of Hard Disk Drive (HDD) storage, OR

50 GB of Solid State Drive (SSD) storage as required by the Government Organization  (additional storage, if required, may be procured separately)

3 Operating System

Any supported version of the following operating systems as per the requirement specified by the Government Department3

Microsoft Windows Server

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Oracle Linux

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

CentOS Operating System

Ubuntu Operating System



Subnet/network segment capability should be available

VM should be firewall protected

Mapping of Private IPs to Public IPs for inbound / outbound traffic

5 Security


Identity and Access Management including Single-Sign On for managing access to Cloud services of the CSP

Encryption of data associated with VM

System log should be available

Multi-factor authentication

Hardening & patch management of underlying infrastructure by CSP

6 Backup

Entire VM data backup must be available

Backup must be taken at least every week

Backup of VM must be retained for at least 30 days.

7 Auto scaling Ability to auto scale at least horizontally without bringing the virtual machine down
8 Service Level Agreement

Virtual Machine Uptime SLA of at least 99.5%

9 Scheduling

Scheduling features such as auto start, auto shut-down, etc., without requiring manual intervention

10 Turnaround Time

Resource (vCPU, storage, etc.) scaling up and down should be completed within 30 minutes. Alert may be provided.

11 Virtual Machine Administration

Basic monitoring tool and dashboard including admin access

Virtual Machines (VM) provide the basic IT Infrastructure that can be used by the Government Organizations to run their variety of workloads such as compute-intensive workload, memory-intensive workload, general-purpose workload, etc. All Virtual Machine packages, listed below, are Managed Virtual Machines. CSPs are required to list their prices on GeM platform keeping this in mind.  These VMs will be provided with following mandatory inclusions without any extra cost. This service can be used by the Government Organizations to access the virtualized servers offered by the Cloud Service Providers.