Anti Plagiarism Software GrabCrib™  by Siddhast™

 GrabCrib™ is a plagiarism detection software, mostly used by academic institutions and R & D organisation. GrabCrib™ compares submissions with web documents, journals and internal archives. GrabCrib™ also known as CribGrab , CribScan℠ CribTracker℠ CribChecker℠ in the market


GrabCrib is offered as a Software as a Service and as an on-premise solution. Users can either register as a single user or as an organization.

Organizational users verify the organization’s address prior to using the software. An obligation-free quote can be requested immediately on the website. Organizations can choose from a variety of options and create multiple administrators and groups, for example, to divide different departments within one institution.

After scanning a submission for plagiarism, GrabCrib™ provides users with a d

etailed report that indicates potential plagiarism and lists the matched sources.

GrabCrib serves schools and universities worldwide. The software aims to help academic institutions to increase students’ awareness toward plagiarism and academic integrity.

GrabCrib also offers its services to the commercial market and publishers. The most common commercial customers are publishers, journalists, advertising agencies and law firms.

Privacy and data security
 is compliant to the European General Data Protection Regulation

GrabCrib  was developed in 2018 and compares submissions with millions of web sources and internal archives that users can optionally participate in. The software recognizes plagiarism as soon as at least three consecutive words match a different source.

GrabCrib built an indexing tool based on Apache Solr developed by Siddhast™ an Indian company