IP Training

IP Training

Siddhast has initiated intellectual property awareness program known as IP-Siddhast to give an in-depth view of intellectual property and copyright issue across the country to widespread the knowledge. The proposed seminar titles “Harnessing Intellectual Property in small and medium Enterprises” the primary objective of these programme is to facilitate and support for the MSMEs industry association and other concerned stakeholders in raising awareness on IPR related issues in general and more specifically on educating them about the value and protection of IPR and its benefits to the economy. The proposed program would be beneficial for senior policy makers, strategies, reachers and author and development organizations who are involved in creating intellectual property.
Objective of Programme
To familiarize the participant with the basic theory and practice of IP regimes in an organizations in india and around the globe.
To look into specific cases of competitive advantage gained through protection of IP in the organizations.
To appreciate the dimensions of licensing associated with IP protection (From mind to Market)
To familiarize the responsibility of industries involved in intellectual Property Trade.

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Contact Details

Siddhast IP Innovations (Pvt.) Ltd Chandra Vihar colony
Jhansi– 284002, India
Email: support@siddhast.com
Phone+91- 510-2440900