S.No. | Trademark services | Professional Fee (INR) per Trademark in each class | Output | Remarks | Payment Terms | Discount | |
1 | Trademark search and filling | 20,000/- per trademark | Filling of the mark in the relevant class | Due research will be done before filling of mark and good to file report will be shared statutory fee etc. will be extra. | 100% on filling of application | 50% | |
2 | Replying of objection | 15,000/- per trademark | Filling of the response with details | Documentation and proper research will be done for effectiveness | 100% on objection reply | 50% | |
3 | Attending objection hearing before registrar | 20,000/- per hearing | Case presentation for removal objection | At the Mumbai/Delhi TM office or applet office, travel, boarding and out of pocket expense extra. | 100% after each hearing | 30% | |
4 | Preparing 3rd party opposition responses | 25,000/- per hearing | Filling of opposition reply to satisfy TM registrar | Property documentation with research will be done for all such cases for effectiveness | 100% on filling opposition reply.
50% | |
5 | Attending opposition hearing | 30,000/- per hearing | Attending hearing for convincing the registrar for setting aside oppositions. | At the Chennai/ Mumbai/Delhi TM office or applet office, travel, boarding and out of pocket expense extra.
100% after each hearing
30% | |
6 | Filling opposition against any trademark | 25,000/- per opposition | Filling opposition against any similar TM | Checking of the TM journal and sending a bi monthly report to Customer and only approved cases to be filed. | 100% on filling opposition. | 50% | |
7 | Complete rectification (cancellation of third party registered trademark) | 2,00,000/- per TM | Cancelling any registered TM | Full process of rectification, which will include the filling of rectification request response to opposing party, personal hearing and follow-up for favorable order | Stage 1 – 50% on rectification filling
Stage 2 – 25% at the time of hearings pleadings Stage 3 – 25% after securing order.
50% | |
8 | Renewal of trademark (after 10 years of registration) | 40,000/- per trademark | Protection for next 1 years of TM | Filling renewal request with anticipated changes in the classification etc. with proper research | 100% on filling of renewal application. | 50% | |
9 | Trademark system update, if not updated by TM registry office after lapse of time period | 20,000/- per trademark | Change of status | liaison and follow up with the TM authority for proper management of corresponding file/documentation
100% after change of TM status | 50% | |
10 | Towards drafting and filling of license/registered user agreement | 80,000/- per trademark | Draft copy of the agreement for licensing of the mark | Complete protection from all risks associated with the licensing of the mark in accordance with the TM and other statutes. | 50% advance and 50% after submission of draft. | 30% | |
11 | Application for change of name, address for service | 10,000/- per TM amendment | Update TM proprietor information. | MOU, M&A and other statutory documentation will be analyzed and prepared for effectiveness | 100% on filling of application | 30% |
Other Terms and Condition:
- GST as applicable will be extra on the professional services and reimbursements.
- Travel, Boarding, Lodging & out of pocket expenses extra as applicable.
- Samples, advance order costs, logistics charges for material wherever (whenever) required, will be charged extra as applicable.
- Statutory filling fee will be extra wherever applicable and will be reimbursed against actual bills.
- Court fee filling charges and order out of pocket expenses extra as applicable.