Call For Research work Submission on
India, Indian Innovation and Intellectual Property Legislation
This is to bring to your kind attention that the research work regarding (India, Indian innovation and intellectual property legislation of India) done by individual candidate in the form of research papers, presentations, audio,video, Question list, individual perception or any kind of other medium is highly appreciated. This initiative of the candidates will raise their uncommon thoughts and ideas to flow at the national platform resulting deep impact in the field.
The motive of this initiative taking up with the thoughts and ideas of an individual will surely come up with some remedies to the present condition. Today our country’s large part is untouched and unreachable due to various obstruction which seems to be enclosing because of the policy and terms of the Government of India. One of the reasons which we think is that there are certain flaws in the legislation and there can be a list a similar kinds of issues which will definitely be shown up by this initiative.
The basic Intention of igniting such a step is simple and clear in its way and is ruled by simple laws of making people ask themselves basic interrogative words like “why” and “how”. People and culture of India is Rich which we think personally is the “knowledge”, Business Ideas and talks of Great innovations which we possess but somewhere lack of legal pathways bound these thoughts to rest in fear, here we specifically speak about the barrier of language.Getting things straight – Most of the people have mind-full of double ideas and thoughts which on coming to legal stand breaks up into pieces, ideas that would change the lives of many of us in this very country. This Initiative of taking views of every interested individual will make a difference and we would be happy to do so, and this is how we today speak for the country in a way that we can be as an IPR organization.
Below is the small show of statistics of India and China which almost share the same amount of population and clearly sum up the condition of our country in the filings of intellectual assets.
Reference Link –
Reference Link –
The population of India and China are almost same to be specific China takes the first place by having 1.42 Billion and India by having 1.35 Billion
Certain points to ponder on these statistics are as follows:-
There are 12.45 Lakhs residents patents filings among the population of 1.42 Billion whereas in India the filings by Indian resident is 14 thousands. This implies that china resident filing is 88 times i.e of India or we can approx 8800% of Indian resident filing. Which is huge gap. Same way with the filing of trademarks and industrial designs shows the difference that is alarming and needs to be checked for the betterment.
Note the following :-
The work of an individual candidate is suppose to be submitted till 31st March-2020.
The submission of the work of a candidate is to be submitted to the following link –
Thanking you!
Shashank Arya
Sr.Software Engineer
Siddhast Intellectual Property Innovation (P) ltd. India 284002
Contact – 7376314900